What is Literature? 
That's the question our class has been called upon to ask. My group chose "Characterization" and "Point of View" to focus heavily upon. To me, characters are pivotal to a story. Without a decent set of main characters, what is your reader going to take intrigue in? Reading the Characterization excerpt given, I realized I knew more about it than I'd originally thought. Most of it was things we mentioned in H. English 10, such as "flat" vs. "dynamic" characters. I'm thankful for this prior experience, and hope that it will help me with this project.
     Unlike Characterization, I know very little about the element "Point of View". Though it sets the mood for the story, it's not an element I'd ever really taken into consideration. Through my close read of the PoV excerpt I learned quite a bit, and I'm glad we close this in our group. A lot of what we learn in school tends to feel like rehashing old ideas until we know them so well, it stops feeling like learning and more like busy work. By choosing our own elements to focus on, it gives us a little more control over our learning. This to me feels similar to what you hear of peers doing in college. You're given guidelines but not exact instructions, allowing you to seek out the knowledge you need to gain. I'm excited to learn in an environment like this because it's what I've been seeking out most of high school. I hope to learn more about PoV as time goes on, and really explore the connections I can find.
     Point of view was a big role in our "Poem of the Week." Langston Hughes gives us a poem where the speaker is talking about his parents, and his unresolved feelings as to his own fate. I loved explicating the poem this week because I was able to uncover the underlying story the speaker was telling. Poetry isn't always an easy concept for me to grasp, so this week when I finally did I was pleased with myself. I'd recently watched "The Butler" and I really connected the two pieces. Both the speaker and the butler share a mixed past, and to me that helped me reach the conclusion of slavery perhaps being a subject. When you're little we always tried to make "Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World" connections in order to better comprehend our works. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it still worked at age 17 as well at age 7. This to me showed how education is truly a full circle process.

Attached: I found a YouTube video from a teacher who explained PoV through a lecture/doodle format. This was neat and engaging, so I found it worth the share.

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