Though I was absent much of this week, I still feel as though I grew as a student. Reading the Miss America article really opened up my mind to how much our nation has yet to grow. Our class discussion was very insightful, and I feel as though talking about world issues like this actually helps us grow as readers. In this day and age, many students lack the ability to critically read the news and focus on what articles are asking them, and what they are presenting to us besides just a piece of paper. By doing the AoW on relevant topics, I feel we are more prepared to be active citizens in our world. When I'm 25 I'll know how to pick up the paper and actually digest and discuss the news.
                    Another aspect of our AoW I've benefitted from is the cross-curriculum opportunity it provides. In our AP Gov class we're assigned 2 academic writings to do each marking period. These are short responses to articles in publications like The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times that we relate to either personally or with the subject we're covering in class. By doing the AoW in AP Lit, I've had great ease in conveying my thoughts about what I've read and Mr. Hicks noted the promise my writing shows. This news was really pleasing. Being an honors student you hope that the hard work you do will show in other areas too. It's nice to know it does!
                    Going forward I have high expectations for myself as a writer. I plan to really utilize exercises like out AoW and PoW to hone in on skills that have gone untapped until now. Reflecting on my weeks work really brings things to the larger picture, and that it I'm a blossoming learner.
                    I leave you with a video where teachers from many subject matter discuss cross-curricular activities and their pros and cons. Enjoy!

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