This week I feel that we began to delve into what it means to be a college level reader and writer, and also what it means to effectively communicate. When we wrote the "You as a reader/You as a writer" passage on our Weebly I began to see how my own personal experiences have shaped who I am as an ELA student. Though this was our first week in class, I feel like I've been learning for much longer due to our summer reading. The reading kept my mind firing, so once week one came along I felt my mind was more prepared for learning. Many people don't enjoy reading outside of class, but I feel that as long as it serves a purpose I can't complain. Personally, I get busy and find the time difficult to spare, but know it must be done.
    After reading "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" I felt more knowledgeable for our forum discussion with Dr. Borsheim-Black's class and really expand upon what my ideas were. Literature to me feels like works that really involve analytical skills, and I'm eager to see how the college students posting to this forum feel too. I enjoyed our other forum discussion too, and thought how we both watched and discussed Shaped by Writing: The Freshman Experience was an interesting way of learning that I'd never experienced before. The forum way of discussion really appeals to me because reading and writing requires communication of ideas. By communicating in the classroom often like we have this week I feel that communicating our works will become easier and more effective. Through exploring my classmates comments I noticed that I'm not the only one who has issues with conveying their own ideas in a concise manner. The freshman at Harvard also in a way felt that, and I suppose that through time we will all feel more at ease with our writing just as they have. I enjoyed how large emphasis was laid on the fact that our classroom has to be a comfortable sharing environment. In life sharing won't always be easy but I feel that if our classroom keeps an open mind that learning to effectively share and communicate will become easy so when the time does come we will all be prepared.
    Communicating ideas will also be easier with the help of Weebly. I appreciate that this is going to be an ongoing portfolio for us to communicate to our classmates (and potentially other people) about our growth, thoughts, major break throughs, and general learning experiences. I'm excited for the year to come, and hopefully I can grow a lot as both a reader and writer.  I am hoping to grow as a student with what I read and how I write. I know I'm an adequate writer, but I would like to be an excellent writer. According to what we've discussed, this course will give me those tools. I hesitant when it comes to reading literature because there are many times where the reading swallows me and I drown in the text, rather than dive in. I'd like to gain the tools to dive in head first, confident that I'm able to understand the authors' intentions. I've already learned I'm not at the level I thought I was, and to be truthful last years English course was a little lax which didn't give me a full view of this fast paced course. I hope that for my sake, you're able to work with me on an individual basis, because that one-on-one communication is something that really aids me as a learner.
    Thank you for a wonderful week of class, and reading my thoughts and ideas!
Attached, I found a video from TexasTech University about an Agricultural Communications Professor who has come to use Twitter professionally and in her classroom. This related to our discussion this week about how though you may not be an English major, communication is still important to your work.

Andy Schoenborn
9/15/2013 03:51:40 am

Hi Annie,

The post is thoughtful and provides insight into your learning. I like the connection made with the video and twitter as well.

Thanks for sharing,
Mr. S

Andy Schoenborn
9/15/2013 03:52:42 am

Please be sure to use correct paragraph structure though. ;)


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